
I am not the best writer in the world. English is my second language, so I will be making spelling and grammatical errors I am sure, but someone has to say something.

I thought love was stronger than hate. I was sitting looking my girlfriend drive the car last night with the streetlights flashing over her face and I felt such love for her that I just couldn’t understand and still cant understand why we as people filled with such love have people with so much hate controlling our lives.

Why do we as intelligent people let them control us? Why do we not question this world? I am not talking just about corrupt, hateful government of this country, but also the institutions, the corporations. I know everyone feels the same way. We all feel powerless. We are powerless. This means nothing. These are just words. If someone else wrote this this, I would think: “Whatever, man, what is your point?”

That is just it. There is no point. I am just frustrated and I just think someone should say something. I am probably not the best candidate. I am not the smartest, but I am sure there are smarter people out there that can do something. I will help in anyway possible. Cant we just do something?

I just don’t understand how they can sit there and argue with each other and calling each other names in the media while people die. Surely the people should be their first priority. This is not about race. It is not about money. This is not about power.

I just want to believe that love can be stronger than hate. I just want the people we chose to run our lives to understand that all we want is peace. They should be leading with example. Not being children and calling each other names.

I am being idealistic? Is it to much to ask that they stop fighting each other and do their jobs.

I just don’t understand the world.

I know it was pointless writing this.

I just think someone should say something.

1 comment:

  1. nie pointless nie! dit maak my ook hartseer, ek verstaan nie hoe mense so warped raak en sulke uiterste haat vir ander mense kan he nie...
    mooi niel, sit dit op facebook dat almal dit kan lees. start a (love) revolution!


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